ახალმა კვლევამ აჩვენა, რომ ყოველწლიურად ტკბილი სასმელები კლავს 184 000 ადამიანს. დიაბეტის გამო სიკვდილიანობა, გულის დაავადებები და კიბო პირდაპირ კავშირშია ტკბილი გაზირებული სასმელების, ცივი ჩაის და ენერგეტიკული სასმელების მიღებასთან. მიღებული ციფრები აჩვენებს, რომ ტკბილი სასმელები ისეთივე სასიკვდილოდ საშიშია როგორც სხვადასხვა ვირუსები.
გაზირებული და ტკბილი სასმელების მიღების შემცირება პრიორიტეტი უნდა გახდეს მთელი მასშტაბით - განაცხადა დოქტორმა Dariush Mozaffarian-მა, რომელიც მასაჩუსეტსის შტატში არსებული დიეტოლოგიისა და ქცევის სკოლის ავტორი და დეკანია. Mozaffarian-ი ამბობს: დამტკიცებულია, რომ ტკბილი გაზირებული სასმელები ხელს უწყობს სიმსუქნეს და სხვადასხვა დაავადებების განვითარებას. წინა კვლევებმა აჩვენა, სიმსუქნით გამოწვეული დაავადება არის წელიწადში 17 მილიონი ადამიანის დაღუპვის მიზეზი.
ახალ გამოკვლევამ აჩვენა ტკბილი სასმელების წვლილი რომლებიც წარმოადგენენ გასუქების ერთ-ერთ გამომწვევ მიზეზს. მეცნიერთა ვარაუდით, წელიწადში შაქრის დიაბეტით იღუპება 133 ათასი ადამიანი, გულის დაავადების -45 ათასი, კიბოსგან-6,45 ათასი.
livescience აცხადებს, რომ კვლევა ეფუძნება ყოვლისმომცველ სტატისტიკურ ანალიზს, რომელიც 5 -ზე მეტ ქვეყანაში ჩატარდა. გაზიანი სასმელების ჩამონათვალში მოხვდა სასმელები, რომლებიც ლერწმის შაქარს შეიცავს, ასევე სიმინდის სიროფს რომელიც დიდი რაოდენობით შეიცავს ფრუქტოზას.
20 ქვეყანას შორის ტკბილი სასმელების გამოყენებით გამოწვეული სიკვდილიანობის ყველაზე მაღალი მაჩვენებელი დაფიქსირდა ლათინურ ამერიკაში და კარიბის ზღვაზე- აცხადებენ მეცნიერები.მკვლევარები მივიდნენ დასკვნამდე რომ მექსიკაში, სადაც მოსახლეობის 10 % ებრძვის დიაბეტს, დაღუპულების დაახლოებით 30 %, რომელთა ასაკიც 45 წელია, გამოწვეულია ტკბილი სასმელებით. მექსიკა ამ მონაცემებით უსწრებს ყველა ქვეყანას.აღსანიშნავია, რომ იაპონიაში, სადაც დიდი პოპულარობით სარგებლობს უშაქრო ჩაი, პირიქით, ფიქსირდება სიკვდილიანობის დაბალი მაჩვენებელი.
ტკბილი სასმელების მწარმოებლები მეცნიერების დასკვნების მიმართ სკეპტიკურად განეწყვნენ.
კვლევა არ აჩვენებს, რომ ტკბილი სასმელების გამოყენება იწვევს ქრონიკულ დაავადებებს, - განაცხადა ამერიკულმა ასოციაციამ. რასაც მეცნიერებმა შემდეგნაირად უპასუხეს : „ისინი უბრალოდ თავს იცავენ“ ყველასთვის ცნობილია კავშირი ტკბილ სასმელებსა და გასუქებას შორის.
Science News
Sugary drinks linked to high death tolls worldwide
Consumption of sugary drinks may lead to an estimated 184,000 adult deaths each year worldwide, according to research. In the first detailed global report on the impact of sugar-sweetened beverages, researchers estimated deaths and disabilities from diabetes, heart disease, and cancers in 2010. In this analysis, sugar sweetened beverages were defined as any sugar-sweetened sodas, fruit drinks, sports/energy drinks, sweetened iced teas, or homemade sugary drinks such as frescas, that contained at least 50 kcal per 8oz serving. 100 percent fruit juice was excluded.

Consumption of sugary drinks may lead to an estimated 184,000 adult deaths each year worldwide.
Credit: © Joshua Resnick / Fotolia
Consumption of sugary drinks may lead to an estimated 184,000 adult deaths each year worldwide, according to research published today in the journal Circulation and previously presented as an abstract at the American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention in 2013.
"Many countries in the world have a significant number of deaths occurring from a single dietary factor, sugar-sweetened beverages. It should be a global priority to substantially reduce or eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages from the diet," said Dariush Mozaffarian, M.D., Dr.P.H., senior author of the study and dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy at Tufts University in Boston.
In the first detailed global report on the impact of sugar-sweetened beverages, researchers estimated deaths and disabilities from diabetes, heart disease, and cancers in 2010. In this analysis, sugar sweetened beverages were defined as any sugar-sweetened sodas, fruit drinks, sports/energy drinks, sweetened iced teas, or homemade sugary drinks such as frescas, that contained at least 50 kcal per 8oz serving. 100 percent fruit juice was excluded.
Estimates of consumption were made from 62 dietary surveys including 611,971 individuals conducted between 1980 and 2010 across 51 countries, along with data on national availability of sugar in 187 countries and other information. This allowed capture of geographical, gender and age variation in consumption levels of sugar-sweetened beverages in different populations. Based on meta-analyses of other published evidence on health harms of sugar-sweetened beverages, the investigators calculated the direct impact on diabetes and the obesity-related effects on cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.
In 2010, the researchers estimate that sugar-sweetened beverages consumption may have been responsible for approximately:
• 133,000 deaths from diabetes
• 45,000 deaths from cardiovascular disease
• 6,450 deaths from cancer
"Some population dietary changes, such as increasing fruits and vegetables, can be challenging due to agriculture, costs, storage, and other complexities. This is not complicated. There are no health benefits from sugar-sweetened beverages, and the potential impact of reducing consumption is saving tens of thousands of deaths each year," Mozaffarian said.
The impact of sugar-sweetened beverages varied greatly between populations. At the extremes, the estimated percentage of deaths was less than 1 percent in Japanese over 65 years old, but 30 percent in Mexican adults younger than 45. Of the 20 most populous countries, Mexico had the highest death rate attributable to sugar-sweetened beverages with an estimated 405 deaths per million adults (24,000 total deaths) and the U.S. ranked second with an estimated 125 deaths per million adults (25,000 total deaths).
About 76 percent of the estimated sugar-sweetened beverage-related deaths occurred in low- or middle-income countries.
In nations of the Caribbean and Latin America, such as Mexico, homemade sugary drinks (e.g. frescas) are popular and consumed in addition to commercially prepared sugar-sweetened beverages. "Among the 20 countries with the highest estimated sugar-sweetened beverage-related deaths, at least 8 were in Latin America and the Caribbean, reflecting the high intakes in that region of the world," said Gitanjali Singh, Ph.D., lead author of the study and a research assistant professor at the Friedman School.
Overall, in younger adults, the percent of chronic disease attributed to sugar-sweetened beverages was higher than the percent in older adults. "The health impact of sugar-sweetened beverage intake on the young is important because younger adults form a large sector of the workforce in many countries, so the economic impact of sugar-sweetened beverage-related deaths and disability in this age group can be significant. It also raises concerns about the future. If these young people continue to consume high levels as they age, the effects of high consumption will be compounded by the effects of aging, leading to even higher death and disability rates from heart disease and diabetes than we are seeing now," Singh said.
Story Source:
The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Tufts University.Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
Journal Reference:
- Singh GM, Micha R, Khatibzadek S, Lim S, Ezzati M, and Mozaffarian, D.Estimated Global, Regional, and National Disease Burdens Related to Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption in 2010. Circulation, June 2015 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.114.010636

რესურსები ინტერნეტში:
Consumption of sugary drinks may lead to an estimated 184,000 adult deaths each year worldwide.
Credit: © Joshua Resnick / Fotolia
Consumption of sugary drinks may lead to an estimated 184,000 adult deaths each year worldwide, according to research published today in the journal Circulation and previously presented as an abstract at the American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention in 2013.
Consumption of sugary drinks may lead to an estimated 184,000 adult deaths each year worldwide, according to research published today in the journal Circulation and previously presented as an abstract at the American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention in 2013.
"Many countries in the world have a significant number of deaths occurring from a single dietary factor, sugar-sweetened beverages. It should be a global priority to substantially reduce or eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages from the diet," said Dariush Mozaffarian, M.D., Dr.P.H., senior author of the study and dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy at Tufts University in Boston.
In the first detailed global report on the impact of sugar-sweetened beverages, researchers estimated deaths and disabilities from diabetes, heart disease, and cancers in 2010. In this analysis, sugar sweetened beverages were defined as any sugar-sweetened sodas, fruit drinks, sports/energy drinks, sweetened iced teas, or homemade sugary drinks such as frescas, that contained at least 50 kcal per 8oz serving. 100 percent fruit juice was excluded.
Estimates of consumption were made from 62 dietary surveys including 611,971 individuals conducted between 1980 and 2010 across 51 countries, along with data on national availability of sugar in 187 countries and other information. This allowed capture of geographical, gender and age variation in consumption levels of sugar-sweetened beverages in different populations. Based on meta-analyses of other published evidence on health harms of sugar-sweetened beverages, the investigators calculated the direct impact on diabetes and the obesity-related effects on cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.
In 2010, the researchers estimate that sugar-sweetened beverages consumption may have been responsible for approximately:
• 133,000 deaths from diabetes
• 45,000 deaths from cardiovascular disease
• 6,450 deaths from cancer
"Some population dietary changes, such as increasing fruits and vegetables, can be challenging due to agriculture, costs, storage, and other complexities. This is not complicated. There are no health benefits from sugar-sweetened beverages, and the potential impact of reducing consumption is saving tens of thousands of deaths each year," Mozaffarian said.
The impact of sugar-sweetened beverages varied greatly between populations. At the extremes, the estimated percentage of deaths was less than 1 percent in Japanese over 65 years old, but 30 percent in Mexican adults younger than 45. Of the 20 most populous countries, Mexico had the highest death rate attributable to sugar-sweetened beverages with an estimated 405 deaths per million adults (24,000 total deaths) and the U.S. ranked second with an estimated 125 deaths per million adults (25,000 total deaths).
About 76 percent of the estimated sugar-sweetened beverage-related deaths occurred in low- or middle-income countries.
In nations of the Caribbean and Latin America, such as Mexico, homemade sugary drinks (e.g. frescas) are popular and consumed in addition to commercially prepared sugar-sweetened beverages. "Among the 20 countries with the highest estimated sugar-sweetened beverage-related deaths, at least 8 were in Latin America and the Caribbean, reflecting the high intakes in that region of the world," said Gitanjali Singh, Ph.D., lead author of the study and a research assistant professor at the Friedman School.
Overall, in younger adults, the percent of chronic disease attributed to sugar-sweetened beverages was higher than the percent in older adults. "The health impact of sugar-sweetened beverage intake on the young is important because younger adults form a large sector of the workforce in many countries, so the economic impact of sugar-sweetened beverage-related deaths and disability in this age group can be significant. It also raises concerns about the future. If these young people continue to consume high levels as they age, the effects of high consumption will be compounded by the effects of aging, leading to even higher death and disability rates from heart disease and diabetes than we are seeing now," Singh said.
Story Source:
The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Tufts University.Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
Journal Reference:
- Singh GM, Micha R, Khatibzadek S, Lim S, Ezzati M, and Mozaffarian, D.Estimated Global, Regional, and National Disease Burdens Related to Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption in 2010. Circulation, June 2015 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.114.010636
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