ფიზიკოსები ზომავენ პროტონებისა და ანტიპროტონების ფუნდამენტალურ თვისებებს, რათა შეამოწმონ, თუ როგორ მოქმედებენ ანტი-ნაწილაკები ზუსტად ისევე, როგორც მათი ასლი-ნაწილაკები სარკისებური პრინციპით.
სამყაროში ანტიმატერიის არარსებობის საიდუმლოს ამოხსნის მცდელობისას, ფიზიკოსებმა მოახერხეს პროტონისთვის დამახასიათებელი მაგნეტიზმის აქამდე მიუღწეველი სიზუსტით გაზომვა (3 მემილიარდედის).
28 მაისს ჟურნალ Nature -ში გამოქვეყნებულ სტატიაში ასახულია კვლევის შედეგები, თუ როგორ მიაგნეს მკვლევარებმა პროტონის მაგნეტურობის ზუსტი გაზომვის პრინციპს.
აღნიშნული ექსპერიმენტი წარმოადგენს იმ მცდელობის ნაწილს, გამოიკვლიონ, თუ რატომ არის სამყარო სავსე მატერიით მეტად, ვიდრე ანტიმატერიით. ანტიმატერია მატერიის იდენტურია, მის სარკისებურ გამოსახულებას წარმოადგენს, თუმცა, რამდენიმე ძირითადი თვისების გამოტოვებით. როდესაც ორი მატერია ერთმანეთს ხვდება, ხდება მათი "ანიჰილირება" (განადგურება). ფიზიკოსების აზრით, ანტიმატერია და მატერია თანაბარი ოდენობით წარმოიქმნებოდა დიდი აფეთქების დროს. ის ფაქტი, რომ რაიმე მატერია მეტი რაოდენობით დარჩა, მეცნიერთათვის დილემას წარმოადგენს.
Zeroing in on the proton's magnetic moment
May 28, 2014
As part of a series of experiments designed to resolve one of the deepest mysteries of physics today, researchers have made the most precise ever direct measurement of the magnetic moment of a proton. The work seeks to answer the fundamental question of why we exist at all. It is believed that the Big Bang some 13 billion years ago generated equal amounts of matter and antimatter -- which annihilate when they collide -- and yet the universe today seems to contain only matter.
s part of a series of experiments designed to resolve one of the deepest mysteries of physics today, researchers from RIKEN, in collaboration with the University of Mainz, GSI Darmstadt and the Max Planck Institute for Physics at Heidelberg, have made the most precise ever direct measurement of the magnetic moment of a proton.
The work, published in Nature today, seeks to answer the fundamental question of why we exist at all. It is believed that the Big Bang some 13 billion years ago generated equal amounts of matter and antimatter-which annihilate when they collide-and yet the universe today seems to contain only matter. Work is being carried out from many fronts to detect differences that would explain this, and one promising route is to compare the magnetic moments of particles and their antimatter conjugates, as even a tiny difference could explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry. The research collaboration is working to measure the magnetic moment of the proton and antiproton to unprecedented precision, and determine if there is any difference.
In the study published today, the researchers reached an important milestone by directly measuring the moment of a single proton to enormous precision, based on spectroscopy of a single particle in a Penning trap. Andreas Mooser, first author of the paper, explains that "this important quantity has never been measured directly and is so far only known at a relative precision of about 10 parts per billion, based on hyperfine spectroscopy of a MASER in a magnetic field. However, this required significant theoretical corrections to extract the proton's magnetic moment from the measurement." In the new paper the researchers report the first direct high precision measurement of the proton magnetic moment at a fractional precision of 3 parts per billion, improving the 42-year-old "fundamental constant" by a factor of three.
The new method using a single particle in a Penning trap can now be directly applied to measure the magnetic moment of the antiproton, which is currently known at a relative precision of only 4 parts per million.
According to RIKEN researcher Stefan Ulmer, second author of the paper and spokesperson of the BASE collaboration at CERN which aims at the high precision measurement of the antiproton moment, "Using the new method will allow this value to be improved by at least a factor of thousand, providing a stringent test of matter -antimatter symmetry."
Story Source:
Journal Reference:
- A. Mooser, S. Ulmer, K. Blaum, K. Franke, H. Kracke, C. Leiteritz, W. Quint, C. C. Rodegheri, C. Smorra, J. Walz. Direct high-precision measurement of the magnetic moment of the proton. Nature, 2014; 509 (7502): 596 DOI:10.1038/nature13388
Story Source:
1) sciencedaily
3) nature
As part of a series of experiments designed to resolve one of the deepest mysteries of physics today, researchers have made the most precise ever direct measurement of the magnetic moment of a proton. The work seeks to answer the fundamental question of why we exist at all. It is believed that the Big Bang some 13 billion years ago generated equal amounts of matter and antimatter -- which annihilate when they collide -- and yet the universe today seems to contain only matter.
s part of a series of experiments designed to resolve one of the deepest mysteries of physics today, researchers from RIKEN, in collaboration with the University of Mainz, GSI Darmstadt and the Max Planck Institute for Physics at Heidelberg, have made the most precise ever direct measurement of the magnetic moment of a proton.
The work, published in Nature today, seeks to answer the fundamental question of why we exist at all. It is believed that the Big Bang some 13 billion years ago generated equal amounts of matter and antimatter-which annihilate when they collide-and yet the universe today seems to contain only matter. Work is being carried out from many fronts to detect differences that would explain this, and one promising route is to compare the magnetic moments of particles and their antimatter conjugates, as even a tiny difference could explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry. The research collaboration is working to measure the magnetic moment of the proton and antiproton to unprecedented precision, and determine if there is any difference.
In the study published today, the researchers reached an important milestone by directly measuring the moment of a single proton to enormous precision, based on spectroscopy of a single particle in a Penning trap. Andreas Mooser, first author of the paper, explains that "this important quantity has never been measured directly and is so far only known at a relative precision of about 10 parts per billion, based on hyperfine spectroscopy of a MASER in a magnetic field. However, this required significant theoretical corrections to extract the proton's magnetic moment from the measurement." In the new paper the researchers report the first direct high precision measurement of the proton magnetic moment at a fractional precision of 3 parts per billion, improving the 42-year-old "fundamental constant" by a factor of three.
The new method using a single particle in a Penning trap can now be directly applied to measure the magnetic moment of the antiproton, which is currently known at a relative precision of only 4 parts per million.
According to RIKEN researcher Stefan Ulmer, second author of the paper and spokesperson of the BASE collaboration at CERN which aims at the high precision measurement of the antiproton moment, "Using the new method will allow this value to be improved by at least a factor of thousand, providing a stringent test of matter -antimatter symmetry."
Story Source:
Journal Reference:
- A. Mooser, S. Ulmer, K. Blaum, K. Franke, H. Kracke, C. Leiteritz, W. Quint, C. C. Rodegheri, C. Smorra, J. Walz. Direct high-precision measurement of the magnetic moment of the proton. Nature, 2014; 509 (7502): 596 DOI:10.1038/nature13388
Story Source:
1) sciencedaily
3) nature
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