среда, 21 августа 2013 г.

პირველი ფილოსოფოსი ქალი


The Life of Hypatia

By Socrates Scholasticus, from his Ecclesiastical HistoryTHERE WAS a woman at Alexandria named Hypatia, daughter of the philosopher Theon, who made such attainments in literature and science, as to far surpass all the philosophers of her own time. Having succeeded to the school of Plato and Plotinus, she explained the principles of philosophy to her auditors, many of whom came from a distance to receive her instructions. On account of the self-possession and ease of manner, which she had acquired in consequence of the cultivation of her mind, she not unfrequently appeared in public in presence of the magistrates. Neither did she feel abashed in going to an assembly of men. For all men on account of her extraordinary dignity and virtue admired her the more. Yet even she fell victim to the political jealousy which at that time prevailed. For as she had frequent interviews with Orestes, it was calumniously reported among the Christian populace, that it was she who prevented Orestes from being reconciled to the bishop. Some of them, therefore, hurried away by a fierce and bigoted zeal, whose ringleader was a reader named Peter, waylaid her returning home, and dragging her from her carriage, they took her to the church called Caesareum, where they completely stripped her, and then murdered her with tiles.* After tearing her body in pieces, they took her mangled limbs to a place called Cinaron, and there burnt them. This affair brought not the least opprobrium, not only upon Cyril, but also upon the whole Alexandrian church. And surely nothing can be farther from the spirit of Christianity than the allowance of massacres, fights, and transactions of that sort. This happened in the month of March during Lent, in the fourth year of Cyril's episcopate, under the tenth consulate of Honorius, and the sixth of Theodosius.
By Socrates Scholasticus, from his Ecclesiastical History

"ცოდნისა და რწმენის უკიდურესი გამიჯვნა, ერთი მხრივ, სრულიად უნაყოფო ამპარტავნებას იწვევს, მეორე მხრივ კი – თავდაჯერებულ, გაკერპებულ ლიტონ რწმენას. პირველი უკიდურესობის სახე იყვნენ გნოსტიკოსები, რომლებიც თანდაყოლილ მცოდნეობას იჩემებდნენ და არაფრად რაცხდნენ ეკლესიურ მორწმუნეობას, ხოლო მეორე უკიდურესობის შემზარავ გამოვლინებად შეიძლებოდა მოგვეტანა საეკლესიო ისტორიაში ცნობილი ფაქტი, როდესაც ალექსანდრიის ქრისტიანთა ერთმა ჯგუფმა 415 წელს ასო-ასო დაგლიჯა ფილოსოფოსი ქალი ჰიპათია (იხ. სოკრატე სქოლასტიკოსი, საეკლესიო ისტორია, წიგნი VII, თავი XV, პგ. 67, 768-769)."

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