воскресенье, 15 марта 2015 г.

ბრიტანელმა არქეოლოგებმა სავარაუდოთ იესო ქრისტეს ბავშვობის პერიოდის სახლი აღმოაჩინეს /Is this Jesus' childhood home? Ancient text points to First Century structure where the Messiah may have lived


Dr Ken Dark

Is this Jesus' childhood home? Ancient text points to First Century structure where the Messiah may have lived

Clues found in 'De Locus Sanctis' written in 670 AD by abbot Adomnàn

It was supposedly based on a pilgrimage made to Nazareth by a bishop

Text says how Jesus' home was between two tombs and below church

Dr Ken Dark says house located beneath Sisters of Nazareth Convent

There is evidence of a Byzantine church here with two tombs in its crypt

One of the doorways has survived, as has part of the original chalk floor


The house is thought to be located beneath the Sisters of Nazareth Convent which is across the road from Church of Annunciation in Nazareth.
The key piece of evidence linking the site to Jesus is pilgrim text called 'De Locus Sanctis' written in 670 AD by abbot Adomnàn of Iona.
It was supposedly based on a pilgrimage made to Nazareth made by the Frankish bishop Arculf and talks about a church 'where once there was the house in which the Lord was nourished in his infancy.'
He writes: 'The other stood nearby and was built near a vault that also contained a spring and the remains of two tombs.
'Between these two tombs was the house in which Jesus was raised. From this is derived the more recent name for the church that Adomnàn described'.
The Sisters of Nazareth Convent matches this because there is evidence of a large Byzantine church with a spring and two tombs in its crypt, Dr Dark writes.


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